Archer hunting ostrich

Object no. S01269
Description of the seal image The scene is framed by line borders at the top and bottom. A half-kneeling, bearded hunter (archer) wearing a double-belted tunic aims his bow at an ostrich flapping its wings. The archer has a quiver full of arrows on his back. Between the two figures, there is a wedge. Above the bird is a crescent moon, while below is a plant, probably an arch-and-net tree.
Figures, motifs/symbols - borderlines (2): line borders at the top and bottom
- crescent moon
- hunter: archer, bearded, half-kneeling, wearing a double-belted tunic; with a quiver full of arrows in his back
- ostrich: flapping its wings
- plant: probably an arch-and-net tree
- wedge: cuneiform
Subcategory cylinder seal
Collection Bibel+Orient Museum, Freiburg / Bibel+Orient Museum, Fribourg
Museum Number VR 1981.96
Culture / Production Place Neo-Assyrian
Provenance N/A
First Occurrence 1981
Archaeological context N/A
Registration number N/A
Dimensions (mm), height, diameter h: 39, d: 14.1
Material and features "dunkelbeiges Kompositmaterial, Keramik, minimale Spuren von grüner Glasur"
Style linear
Scene hunting

Keel-Leu – Teissier 2004, 174, 405 and 439 no. 166.

Keel-Leu, H. J. – Teissier, B.: Die vorderasiatischen Rollsiegel der Sammlungen «Bibel+Orient» der Universität Freiburg Schweiz = The Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals of the Collections «Bible+Orient» of the University of Fribourg. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 200) Fribourg – Göttingen, 2004.

Object history
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