Three Persian spearmen hunting boar in reed thicket

Object no. S00914
Description of the seal image Three hunters (spearmen) wearing Persian clothing (court robe) thrust a spear at a charging boar coming out of a reed thicket indicating marshland. The three figures partly cover each other, which results in the depiction of the quiver of only the first spearman.
Figures, motifs/symbols - boar: charging
- reed thicket: indicating marshland
- hunters (3): spearmen, wearing Persian clothing (court robe), holding a spear with a round butt; the figure on the right has a quiver full of arrows on his back
Subcategory cylinder seal
Collection Vorderasiatisches Museum
Museum Number VA 3316
Culture / Production Place Achaemenid
Provenance acquired in trade in 1904
First Occurrence 1904
Archaeological context N/A
Registration number N/A
Dimensions (mm), height, diameter h: 20, d: 11
Material and features "Chalcedon"
Style modelled
Scene hunting

Moortgat 1940, 79, 152 no. 773 and Taf. 90.

Moortgat, A.: Vorderasiatische Rollsiegel. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst. Berlin, 1940.

Object history
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